Seminar ID


Date and time

Thursday, June 22, 2017 at 14:00 EST see it in calendar

  • recording
  • in English
CPD hours

LSO 0.5 Professionalism
Expiry date: 21-6-2021

CICC 3 CPD hours
Expiry date: 19-3-2018

LSBC 3 CPD hours
Expiry date: 31-12-2022


Pace Law Firm300 The East Mall
M9B 6B7

Capacity: 18


The purpose of the misrepresentation provision in the IRPA is to ensure that applicants provide honest and accurate information to IRCC. The provision is quite broad and can include a vast array of scenarios, which may result in your client's application being refused or the client being denied admission to Canada.

Understanding that the goal behind the "misrepresentation" section is to encourage and support the integrity of the program, it is important for practitioners to understand their role and how they can support the objectives of the Act (IRPA).


3 hours

regular fee - $ 90.00




Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing; however, circumstances beyond the control of the organizers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. IMEDA reserves the right to alter or to modify the advertised speakers and /or topics, if necessary. Any schedule substitutions or alterations will be updated on the IMEDA website as soon as possible and all registrants will be notified by e-mail.