Seminar ID


Date and time

Wednesday, November 27, 2019 at 14:00 EST see it in calendar

  • recording
  • in English
CPD hours

CICC 3 CPD hours
Expiry date: 5-5-2022

LSBC 3 CPD hours
Expiry date: 31-12-2022


Capacity: 150



Sponsorship of undeclared family members

Who can sponsor?

-          Resettled refugees

-          Persons with conferred refugee protection in Canada “or a person in similar circumstance”

-          Persons who acquired residence upon being determined to be protected person

-          Persons who acquired residence through the Spouse or CL partner in Canada class

-          Difference between convention refugee, protected persons and the “person in similar circumstance” categories through which the sponsor became a PR

Who can be sponsored?

-          Dependent children: age of dependency determined by date of present application and not original PR application

-          Spouses: subject to same eligibility criteria save and except for lack of previous declaration and examination

-          Only designated types of applications through which the sponsor became a PR

Definition of “undeclared”

-          Does it cover situations where a dependent was declared but removed from the application because s/he couldn’t be examined?

-          Does it cover situations where the undeclared family member would have rendered the principle applicant, now sponsor, ineligible or inadmissible for the original immigration application

-          Does it cover situations where the dependent was declared but not required to be examined?

Practical concerns

-          What if you waived your right to sponsor the dependent?

-          Misrepresentation concerns

-          How and where to make an application:

o   If you have a pending application

o   If you are applying presently

o   If your application was previously refused

o   If you are appealing a previous refusal

o   If the declaration of the dependent would have rendered the sponsor ineligible or inadmissible

Why this group of eligible sponsors? Any hopes of the expansion of the pilot into other qualifying PR programs through which the sponsor became a PR?



3 hours

regular fee - $ 90.00

No CPD - 50% discount





Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing; however, circumstances beyond the control of the organizers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. IMEDA reserves the right to alter or to modify the advertised speakers and /or topics, if necessary. Any schedule substitutions or alterations will be updated on the IMEDA website as soon as possible and all registrants will be notified by e-mail.