Seminar ID


Date and time

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 18:00 PDT see it in calendar

  • recording
  • in English
CPD hours

CICC 3 CPD hours
Expiry date: 20-5-2022

LSBC 3 CPD hours
Expiry date: 24-2-2023


Capacity: 150


Discretionary Decision Making under IRPA

What is it, where are we now, and how did we get to where we are today

•  Discretionary decision making in Immigration and Citizenship
   o What is it
   o Where do you find it

•  Rules and Principles that govern discretionary decision making
   o Natural Justice/Administrative Law – what does it mean
   o Who is held accountable under administrative law

•  How the Federal Court work

•  Principles of Natural Justice
   o Notice
   o Disclosure
   o Opportunity to Present one’s case
   o Opportunity to respond
   o Duty to consider all the evidence
   o Right to counsel
   o Right to an interpreter
   o Legitimate Expectations
   o Right to an impartial decision maker and freedom from bias
   o Institutional independence/he who hears decides
   o Delay
   o Right to reasons

•  How did we get to the current application of the above noted principles (a history of some landmark cases).

•  Grounds for Review

•  Standard of Review. Is it the same for everything?

•  Procedural Fairness letters.

•  Judicial Remedies

•  Recent and Current cases at the Federal Court to watch out for.


3 hours

regular fee - $ 90.00

No CPD - 50% discount





Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing; however, circumstances beyond the control of the organizers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. IMEDA reserves the right to alter or to modify the advertised speakers and /or topics, if necessary. Any schedule substitutions or alterations will be updated on the IMEDA website as soon as possible and all registrants will be notified by e-mail.