Seminar ID


Date and time

Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 10:00 EST see it in calendar

  • recording
  • in English
CPD hours

CICC 3 CPD hours
Expiry date: 28-1-2024

LSBC 3 CPD hours
Expiry date: 31-12-2023


Capacity: 150


1.      Criteria, process and Guide - Humanitarian and Compassionate Considerations

2.      A New REAL case illustrates some of the strengths of the Canadian immigration system: Elens Starach v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2020 FC 917 (CanLII), [2020] 4 FCR 701

3.      IRPA s.25 and waving the relevant requirements on humanitarian and compassionate (H&C) grounds

4.      H&C request is made by a foreign national inside Canada, what to consider?

5.      Federal Court demands that Officer’s determinations be reasonable, intelligible, and in line with existing jurisprudence

6.      H&C consideration is just that: it is a request for an exception to usual application requirements, not an automatic grant of a waiver

7.      Difference between in-Canada and outside Canada process

8.      Group case study: Bhaona Mohammed v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2022 FC 1 (CanLII)



3 hours

regular fee - $ 90.00

No CPD - 50% discount





Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing; however, circumstances beyond the control of the organizers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. IMEDA reserves the right to alter or to modify the advertised speakers and /or topics, if necessary. Any schedule substitutions or alterations will be updated on the IMEDA website as soon as possible and all registrants will be notified by e-mail.